Thomas Albrink
Senior Software Engineer
BSc.E.E, IT-Diploma & MCTS
Bakkelund 39
4622 Havdrup
Mobil: 20614884
Email: mail

CV as Word.

I am an all-round engineer with a very broad knowledge. I have professional experience in RF / HF measurement techniques, digital electronics, SW and audiology for hearing aid. By combining these areas, I have implemented several complex automated test systems. I'm good in building an overview of the task and in analysing the task down to a level of design for implementation. I have in recent years concentrated on programming in C#/.NET, where I try to gain high quality and integrity. I am well liked by my colleagues and have worked in a small international team whose task was to keep a HW emulator environment running for mobile chipset design.


  3. Entity Framework, Code first.
  4. MVC and JavaScript.
  5. Audiology for Hearing aid.
  1. MS Visual Studio 2005 -> 2015.
  2. TFS, Git, ReSharper.
  3. MS SQL 2005+2008.
  4. Clean Code.
  5. Test Automation.





2010 MCTS. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist.
2010 IT-Diploma. Information Technology Diploma.
1996 BSc.E.E. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
1991 Electronics Technician. From Philips TV Test Equipment A/S.




Work Place.

2015 - Senior Software Developer. GN Netcom. (Internal in GN)
2014 - 2015 Senior QA Developer. GN ReSound.
2010 - 2014 Senior Software Engineer. Renesas Mobile.
2002 - 2010 Senior Software Engineer. Nokia Danmark A/S.
1996 - 2002 Senior Software Engineer. Ericsson A/S.

Work experience

GN Netcom

2015 - Senior Software Developer
Work areas: Application Software for Jabra headset.
  1. C#
  2. WPF
  3. API

GN ReSound.

2014 - 2015 Senior QA Developer.
Work areas: Software firmware verification for hearing aid.
  1. Automations test systems in C#
  2. Requirements, design and implementation of test cases.
  3. Bluetooth BLE test of hearing aid.
  4. Audiology test.
Results: Test, test case implantation in C# and test specifications of hearing aid.

Renesas Mobile.

2010 - 2014 Senior Software Engineer ( Letter of Recommendation ).
Work areas: I have three responsibility areas at Renesas Mobile.
Booking tool:
  1. A complex web-based booking-system of Renesas HW emulators (3 pcs. Cadence® Palladium® XP - 16 domains) with different test equipment connected.
Estimation tool:
  1. A web-based visualization tool for estimation, booking and actual utilisation of the HW emulator systems - This is used by management for budget & investment planning.
Automation tool:
  1. An automated test system that can execute test at night, where there is free capacity of HW emulators.
Everything is implemented in C # /. NET with ASP.NET / MVC / WCF / SQL.
Results: Booking tool:
  1. The booking system, supporting over 100 users world-wide, provides an easy and manageable overview of the emulator resources that are available.
  2. The users choose the needed system capacity for his task and then he can see where there is room/time for the task.
Estimation tool:
  1. As emulator licenses are very expensive, the management needed to visualize the relations between the future expectations, the current booking and the actual usages of the systems.
  2. All projects should report its expected demand. Every month the tool generates PDF reports of expectation vs. real consumption for testing and project managers.
Automation tool:
  1. In order to utilize the HW Emulators also for regression testing during night-time, I implemented an automated test system, using the booking system to put the test in a queue for execution in times of lower load. reports of expectation vs. real consumption for testing and project managers.
All three systems are developed by me in all phases. Requirements management, specification, design, implementation, testing, release and support.

Nokia DK.

2002 - 2010 Senior Software Engineer.
Work areas: I have had two responsibility areas at Nokia DK.
Booking tool:
  1. A complex web-based booking-system of Nokia HW emulators (6 pcs. Cadence ® Palladium ® III - 18 domains) with different test equipment connected.
L1 Performance Test System:
  1. Responsible for specifying, designing and implementing a ”layer 1 performance“ test system to test GSM, DTM, GPRS and EGPRS, against various 3GPP standard versions.
Results: Booking tool:
  1. Nokia's booking system was the first version of this tool which I further developed in Renesas.
L1 Performance test system:
  1. An entire test system for “R&D conformance testing” against the GSM standards, consisting of a GSM Protocol Tester, I/Q fading simulator and RF interferer in a rack.
  2. The system could read-in different 3GPP test specifications, in XML format, and then measure whether the test phone was within the standards limits.
  3. The system was simple built and at a cost of 1/10 of a certified system.
  4. It was implemented and rolled out very quickly throughout Nokia for pre-certification of Nokia mobiles.
  5. I was primarily responsible for the system design, implementation and shared coding task with a colleague.

Ericsson A/S.

1996 - 2002 Senior Software Engineer.
Work areas: Telephone exchange emulators & simulators was my main responsibility area in Ericsson. This was done in an international environment with references worldwide.
Results: Guest speaker at conferences, road shows and Expo's. (Within test, simulator and emulator). Expert in Ericsson’s emulator and simulator test environment. Member of an international reference group.




2010 Windows Applications Development with Microsoft .NET 4.0 070-511.
Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET 4.0 070-513.
2009 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Applications Development 070-562.
2008 Microsoft .NET Framework Application Development Foundation 070-536.
Comprehensive VHDL, SystemVerilog, Expert VHDL.
2002 – 2007 Microsoft Prog.With XML in the .NET framework. (Teknologisk Institut).
Microsoft Core web application in Visual studio 2005. (Teknologisk Institut).
Microsoft Implementing a MS SQL server 2005 Database. (Teknologisk Institut).
Microsoft Project Basic. (Teknologisk Institut).
Microsoft Project advanced. (Teknologisk Institut).
Nokia: GSM-, GPRS-, EGPRS-standard. Project management.
Project solution management. NI Test stand. NI CVI.
2003 – 2010 ITD: Database, Network and Ethernet protocols.
Object Oriented Methods, Object Oriented Programing, Programing in C++.
Advanced programing in Java.


  1. Test instruments controlled by GPIB.
  2. HF and RF instruments.
  3. Digital I/Q streamer from Agilent.
  4. DSP processor from Analog Device.
  5. TV and video signals.


  1. Software test.
  2. Automation test.
  3. RF Test systems for GSM Layer 1 test.
  4. Test Instruction (TI).
  5. Test Specification (TS).
  6. Functions specification (FS).
  7. Simulation test.
  8. Emulation test.


  1. Danish: Native.
  2. English: Fluent.

Personal information:

  1. Born 27/01-1970 Married to Susanne, dad to 2 boys, at the ages of 28 and 25 years.


  1. Active member of the working group behind the Happy Children Foundation gladebørnfonden .
  2. Cycling / Spinning.
  3. Cycled twice to Paris from Roskilde gladebørnfonden.
  4. Badminton.